Project Kick-Off: 26-28 Sep 2017, Lofoten

Heritage professionals, IT geeks, mathematicians, curators, archivists, technologists, academics, archaeologists and Museum Nord staff gathered at the last week of September at Nyvågar, Norway to launch the CINE project and to formally start a three-year long collaboration on digital heritage.

The cultural richness and diversity of expertise in the room was thought provoking and motivational. Bringing 30 people from 5 countries and different sectors together at the Kick-Off Meeting made us realise the many opportunities that this project will bring beyond the interesting work that every partner has promised to do to fulfil the grant conditions.

Having found its feet in Lofoten, the project is now ready to proceed into the next phase: delivery. All Project Partners will start working on the case studies and on setting up some of the technological framework that will enable us to bring the project data together.