LET'S PLAY WITH HERITAGE - Seminar & Think Tank on Gamification and Heritage / 16 March 2018 / Reykjavik

Are you interested in heritage and/or gaming and how each of these sectors can work more closely together? Then this event is for you. The day will see keynote presentations, workshops, exhibitions and hands-on demonstrations.

Location Gerduberg, cultural centre, Reykjavik

Date and time Friday 16th March 2018, from 9:30 - 16:00

Gamification is a concept that has been used increasingly to present and disseminate information, and to educate the generations of today. Schools, museums and companies are borrowing methodologies and technology from the gaming industry to engage their audiences.

This think tank will examine how these new methods can facilitate the interpretation and dissemination of heritage content for the public, for young people and for tourists. Presentations will include discussions around the benefits of using new technologies in the heritage sector, and heritage as a subject for gaming. There will be demonstrations of virtual reality (VR) and the augmented reality applications (AR) as well as hands-on workshops where participants will be given the opportunity to test some of the technology. We aim to conclude the day with discussions around future policy and how the heritage sector and the gaming industry can work together in an innovative way.

Presentations will be in English but workshops and discussion groups will be both in English and Icelandic. The detailed program will be announced soon.

The seminar is organised by: Gerduberg Cultural Centre, Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute, University of Iceland, Locatify, National Heritage Agency of Iceland, National Museum of Iceland, Icelandic Game Industry, Technical College of Reykjavik and partners of the CINE project.